Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finally a littler breather from art projects and papers!

I know it's been a short while since I last updated this space of mine :) But here I am, feeling content and accomplished because I've been working hard at school. I can't even recall how much time I've spent in the art building, it's pretty much my second home now. Although doing all these art projects are time consuming, but I enjoy every moment of it. It's amazing the extra time I spent outside classes to paint or sculpting, that brought me closer to my classmates. They are all talented, funny and nice people. I feel so blessed being able to meet them. Sometimes I wish I got into this art classes earlier. Oh well, everything happen for a reason right? :D Anyways, I'm done sharing my thoughts here. And for the next post, I'll upload the progress of my portrait bust for my sculpture class. Stay tuned!

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